Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Week 2, Day 9

After eating at the same hotel breakfast buffet for over a week, I finally realized that I do not have to taste every food item :-) So, I am starting to practice "target eating" which is basically eating one style of food per breakfast except for coffee. Hopefully, this strategy will last thru Week 3.

Today, SCC team conducted five additional discovery sessions. The first two sessions were with two university professors who gave us additional reference points which will help formulate our final set of recommendations. Topics ranged from urban planning, transportation initiatives, to quality of life at Cheungju City. The third session was with a senior researcher who specializes in space policy. It was interesting to hear her personal experience with the bus transit system and parking situations in the downtown area (sorry, I didn't get a chance to take a picture to include here).

There were two additional meetings held by a subset of SCC team. One with the I.T. department and another one with an university professor as a follow up meeting. For rest of the afternoon, we had a lively debate on every pending recommendation. Is the recommendation for short-term or long-term? Impact level? What are potential barriers? Any dependencies on other initiatives? Anyway, I think we called it a day around 7pm and headed to dinner.

We went to a Korean restaurant that specialized in Bi-bim-bap (rice w/ mixed vegetables and red pepper sauce in a bowl). As we entered the restaurant, I was just glad my socks didn't have any holes.

The food was great, but I must admit that sitting on this position for whole dinner was a bit challenging. Fortunately, there was plenty of room to stretch my legs.

As we were having casual dinner conversations, it quickly turned very serious as a U.S. based SCC team member asked a Korea based SCC team member questions about Korean history.

Well, by the end of the history lesson, you can guess what happened... Plus, all this happened without a single drop of any alcohol intake.

As we were leaving the restaurant, we noticed that our shoes were all neatly turned around for us to put on which was very thoughtful.

We also noticed these lights hanging above the sidewalk which was to celebrate Buddah's Birthday.

Back at the hotel, as I was doing channel surfing, I noticed a Korean drama that my wife and I watch regularly. As I was watching, I realized this was THE LAST EPISODE. This means that all of those soap opera level twist & turn story lines come to an end. So, I can definitely say that I knew the ending at least 13 hours, if not more, ahead of my wife knowing. I am debating what to do next with this valuable information.....

Option 1 - keep quiet
Option 2 - call and let her know that I know
Option 3 - send an email or text

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